Microsoft Launched New AI: CoPilot Pro

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to share my thoughts about the new AI tool that Microsoft launched yesterday. Which is CoPilot Pro.
I’m going to talk specifically about the personal Microsoft plan and how I could use this for my online business.

So let’s go right in.

CoPilot in itself isn’t new, it has been around for a few months as a free ChatGPT.
Before being called “CoPilot”, it was called Bing Chat. I think they are even replacing Cortana for CoPilot.


CoPilot has actually been around for a while. The new thing is CoPilot Pro, the paid version. From my understanding, CoPilot Pro is very similar to ChatGPT Plus from OpenAI.

  • They both offer the same price.
  • They both offer ChatGPT-4 and AI Image generation with DALL-3.

The only difference that I see is that they don’t seem to apply some sort of rules or limitations about the usage. That might be something to test and look into because ChatGPT has a limitation with ChatGPT-4. I think it has a quota of around 40 requests per 3 hours. I hope CoPilot doesn’t because ultimately why having limitations. That sucks.

CoPilot is also referring to GPTs and plugins. Which is a term used in ChatGPT for special jobs or whatever. For now, it doesn’t seem really developed, but I’m assuming that it will get better over time.

As of right now, the only benefit you gain from CoPilot Pro over ChatGPT Plus is that CoPilot Pro is being integrated within all the Microsoft apps. Maybe the limitations.


  1. CoPilot Pro is definitely targeted for Microsoft 365 customers. Which can be a good thing but if you’re not a customer yourself, I don’t necessarily see why you’d use it. As of right now, ChatGPT could be a better alternative since it has been around for a while now.
  2. Which leads me to my other point, you have to be part of the Microsoft ecosystem. If you don’t like being stuck inside corporation ecosystems like “Microsoft, Adobe, Google” and prefer having your freedom than it might not be for you.
  3. It is a monthly subscription. I might repeat myself, but I don’t like monthly subscriptions. I already pay for Microsoft 365 and now, to use it, I need to pay an additional subscription because CoPilot is considered an “add-on” to their services. I mean, common bro, why not give it to everybody? You could increase the price of Microsoft 365. As of right now, I understand that not everybody might want it or use it, but whatever. I think it’s a question of time before AI gets more and more popular. The good thing about it is that the option is only monthly, there’s no “yearly” plan, so you can cancel anytime. You’re not locked in for an insane amount of time.


In conclusion, Microsoft launched CoPilot Pro. Copilot isn’t new in itself. It is simply the evolution of Cortana and Bing morphing into Copilot. In the last years, Cortana and Bing weren’t massively successful but now that AI is becoming more and more popular. They are able to charge a monthly subscription for CoPilot while integrating in all the Microsoft applications.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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