How to Transfer Instagram Data to Pixelfed

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to share how you can transfer your Instagram data to Pixelfed.

If you’re trying to avoid large social media corporations like Instagram and Facebook and/or considering using decentralized social media like Pixelfed, then this could be for you.

Let’s go right in!


Pixelfed is an image sharing platform very similar to Instagram. It is designed to be free, open source, ad-free, decentralized and private solution.

It is built on the ActivityPub, meaning that the content is part of the Fediverse. Just like Mastodon.


In the last years, many large tech corporations took over the internet. Instagram which is part of Meta is one of them.

In my opinion, these kinds of platform are currently too powerful.

They have an insane amount of users, leading to a high centralization and bad behaviors.

Companies like Instagram collect vast amount of data, show ads, require a subscription for verification, use hidden algorithms

Pixelfed is meant to be like Instagram but from a non-profit organization that actually empower its users instead of being at the mercy of a corporation.


In this, case I’ll be doing using the computer, but I’m assuming the process is the same using a phone.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the 3 hamburger menu.
  3. Select on the “Your activity” option.
  4. Select the “Download your information” menu.
  5. Select “Download or transfer information” and make sure to select your Instagram account.
  6. You then want to have all your available information and download the device.
  7. Select the date range and media quality that you want but make sure to select the JSON format.
  8. You now have to wait a few minutes for Meta to prepare your zip file. Once it’s ready, download it.
  9. Now, go to the settings of your Pixelfed account.
  10. Import the data from Instagram using the ZIP created earlier.

Done! Your data is now on Pixelfed.


Most people use Instagram on their phone and not really on their computer.

As I’m recording this, the Pixelfed mobile app is about to get released. I’m not exactly sure when, but maybe when you’re watching this, it is already available on the app.

Another alternative is to use “Pixeldroid” app available on the F-Droid app store. It is a free and open source, Pixelfed clients for android.


In the last years, Instagram has been a very popular social media to share images, videos and chat with friends.
But I think we reached a point where we need to find an alternative where users aren’t at the mercy of large tech corporation caring only about profits.
Pixelfed is a newer solution that is free and open source. It also cares about being ad-free, private and decentralized, which is exactly what is needed.

For now, if you want to chat with me. Please do so on Pixelfed.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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