Can’t See Advertise in Amazon Merch? Do This

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to share solutions to why you might not see the advertise button in Merch by Amazon.

If you currently don’t see it and/or you wish to advertise on Merch by Amazon, then this is for you.

So let’s go right in!


The reason you might not see the advertise button in Amazon Merch is simply because you have an ad blocker enabled.
Now I do not know all the details but when you actually think about it, it kinda makes sense that since you have an ad blocker, it also blocks the advertise button because it’s related to ads. In my case, I’m currently not doing ads, but maybe you are.

To solve that problem, I’m going to show 2 solutions that you can do to make the advertise button to appear.


The first solution is pretty straight forward, you simply disable the ad blocker. In my case, I’m using the uBlock Origin extension. Which I think is the best.
To disable the extension, you can go into the “manage extension” extension of your browser and disable the extension.

If you reload the Merch by Amazon page, the “advertise” button should be there.

Now, that’s going to work, but the problem is that you obviously disabled the ad blocker, you might want to keep it.


It is probably the best longer-term solution because you’ll still be able to use the ad blocker, and you’ll still have access to the advertise button.

So here, I’m going to show you how you can add a rule to whitelist Merch by Amazon in the ad blocker. In this case, I’m using uBlock Origin, but the idea is similar to any ad blocker.

  1. Make sure that the ad blocker is enabled.
  2. Go into the “options” menu of uBlock Origin.
  3. Go into the “trusted sites” tab.
  4. Add “” to the list.
  5. Click on “Apply Changes”.
  6. Reload the Merch by Amazon page.

With this solution, you’ll still be able to work on Merch by Amazon while still have your ad blocker enabled.


In conclusion, if you can’t see the “advertise” menu in Merch by Amazon, it’s simply because you have an ad blocker enabled. You can disable your ad blocker or add a rule to it to make the button appear.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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