COMPLETE Niche Research Guide for Amazon Merch & Print-on-Demand

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to share a complete guide to niche research for ecommerce and print-on-demand.

If you’re new into Print-on-Demand or you don’t know any kind of niches or designs to create, then this could be for you.

Let go right in!

From my experiences, there are 5 types of niches. They all have pros and cons, so I’m going to go through all of them so that you make the best decisions for yourself.

Ideally, you want a bit of all these niches to compensate the PROS and CONS of these different types.


  • Evergreen niches are basic and known themes that usually have consistent demands.
  • Examples: cats, dogs, pets, books, music, adventure, quotes, hobbies, nature, funny jokes, etc.
  • PROS: Regardless of the time of the year and what is happening in the world, these niches are always steady. They are always in demand.
  • CONS: Unless you go into deep unknown niches, popular niches are very saturated. It can be hard to compete with other seller because of the amount of designs available. They tend to be “slow and steady”.

If you’re looking for evergreen niche ideas, I made a small list here.


  • Monthly/season niches are themes that refer to some specific themes or occasion that occur regularly. These niches are often related to some holiday or event that regularly take place.
  • Examples: Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.
  • PROS: These niches tend to be very popular but only for the small time that the event is happening. Another cool thing about these niches is that they reappear every year.
  • CONS: They don’t make money throughout the year.

If you’re looking for monthly/seasonal niches ideas, I made a small list here.

  • Trending niches are themes that are related to the current events in the world, cultures and society.
  • Examples: in 2020 when I started Amazon merch, I made some money from a few designs related to Bitcoin because it became really popular. It got me out of the lower tiers. Eventually, the niche died after a few months. Nobody could have predicted it.
  • PROS: You can make a lot of money very quickly because you’re often first tapping into that niche. Very effective to get out of lower tiers.
  • CONS: It is very volatile and risky. It requires a certain degree of research and ingenuity because since it’s trending, these niches are probably hidden and untapped. You have to take a risk to hopefully find a profitable trending niche. The niche can die at any moment. It is very short-term and not long-term unless the niche becomes trendy again in the future.

If you’re looking for trending niches, you can look at the current news, headlines, Google trends, seller trends and headlines to see what people and society are talking about. Try to make designs about it.


  • Major event niche are themes that are related to some major event happening in the world. The difference between major events and seasonal event are that major events are much rarer. They happen only once, or they happen every few years.
  • Examples: Presidential elections, Olympics, etc.
  • PROS: you can make a lot of money if you do everything right. You could do advertisements to make the most of it. You have time to prepare for these niches.
  • CONS: Since these events happen very rarely, if you’re not able to monetize these events, you end up wasting your time and energy. Another thing is that these niches bring big trademark issues. You don’t want to put yourself in situations where you could lose your account.


  • Cross Niches are basically the combinations of multiple niches into one designs. Instead of focusing on ONE niches, you focus on 2-3 or more niches.
  • Examples: Dog & Cat, Dog & Christmas, Swimming & Olympics
  • PROS: You’re able to tap into unique and potentially untapped niches. There are literally infinite possibilities.
  • CONS: Your target audience is smaller because the design is much more specific.

They could be evergreen, monthly niches, trending or major niches.


Ideally, you’d want to combine multiple of these types in order to compensate their different PROS and CONS.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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