How to Live Stream on Kick with OBS

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to share how you can live stream on Kick with OBS.

I’m going to assume that you have 3 things.

  1. A Kick account for going live and sharing whatever you’re doing.
  2. The OBS software for recording.
  3. A decent internet connection for good enough streaming.


The first thing to do is to set up your OBS software to be ready for streaming.

For example, you might want to create the scenes including all the elements that you want. Webcam? Screen recording? Microphone? Computer sound? Those are all things to think about.

Now that our scenes are good, we should go into the settings and make that our output settings are good. The best settings depend on your own system and internet connection. In my case, I’m always using the default settings that OBS set for me when I run the auto-configuration wizard. I also always use 1080p.

To run the auto-wizard, you can go through the steps under Tools→Auto-Configuration Wizard.

Once this is done, we will be going to the Steam tab of the Settings and make sure that we select the Custom service.


Now that OBS is ready, we will now be looking at Kick.

First, make sure that you’re logged in with your account and go to your Creator Dashboard by clicking your profile in the top-right corner.

From here, we can then edit our Stream Info. We might want to add or edit a stream title and category/game. As of right now, the tags features are not implemented, but it could be interesting to add some for some SEO.

Once this is done, we can now go into the Settings of the creator dashboard and select Profile. Here, we can add a little info about ourselves. You might want to add your social media links, a short bio, etc.

Which now leads us to the most important thing under Settings→Steam Key. That’s where we’ll find our Stream key. Keep in mind that this is a very private information. You don’t want to share nor show this key with anyone. If you think your stream key is compromised, then make sure to reset it.

Now, we are going to copy the Stream URL into the Server field in OBS and the stream key as well inside OBS. Click apply and ok.


Once we have our Stream key configured inside OBS, we simply can go live by clicking Start Streaming in OBS. The moment you click that button, we will automatically go live on Kick.

To verify that everything is working as intended, we can go to our Kick page and look at our stream. In my case, my page is

When we want to stop our stream, we can simply stop streaming using OBS. Kick will also stop in the same time.


In conclusion, getting started streaming on Kick is pretty easy and similar to Twitch. You just need to set your OBS settings and Kick account once. After the first time, you usually don’t have to deal with it anymore.

The most important step, though, is to copy/paste your stream key from Kick to OBS. Make sure you keep it private and that nobody ever see it. If it does happen, reset it as soon as possible.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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