iBrave.io is Closing & I’m Moving to Spaceship

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to talk about the iBrave announcement for closure and why I’m switching to Spaceship.com for my web hosting provider.

If you’re a iBrave.io user, or if you’ve been considering it or if you’re looking for a web hosting alternative, then this could be for you.

Let’s go right in!


This morning, on June 24, 2024, I woke up and got an email from ibrave.io saying that they are closing their services on 1st November 2024.

ibrave closure email

The reason provided seem to be due to unforeseen personal circumstances. They are then saying they haven’t been acquired and invite us to migrate to 20i.

My understanding is that they are choosing to close the company. Unfortunately, those things happen.

Now, if we look at the reviews online, most of them are quite bad. They have 1.9/5 stars with 52 reviews. Some of the most common complaint is about the lack of customer service and the inaccessibility of the control panel.

ibrave trustpilot review

Personally, I’ve been using ibrave.io for a few months now, and I’ve had a decent experience. That being said, I was probably not as deeply invested compared to other people. I only had 3 small websites hosted on it. In my case, the awful things that I have to say about it is that yes, the customer service wasn’t very responsible and overall I found the interfaces and control panel unintuitive.

But what I liked about ibrave.io is their lifetime plan and the fact they offered unlimited everything. Maybe that was too good to be true and wasn’t sustainable. We can’t really know.

That being said, in the last days, I was considering creating a custom email with my name and with all these reviews, I wasn’t so sure if I really wanted to invest more into ibrave.io.

So I guess that simply confirms my doubts.

I really appreciate that they let us know they are going to close the service. They could have simply close it down or let it slowly die without saying a word. I find it very professional that they even give us a closing date. This way, that gives people time to find alternatives and migrate.


As for myself, I am not going to waste any time and will be moving right away. I’m already using spaceship.com for my domains, so I’ll just stick with them.

Spaceship.com is a new company that is a bit more than 1 year old.

What I like about spaceship.com is:

  1. First, their domain names are quite cheap and private by default. That’s actually the main reason I choose them in the first place.
  2. Their web hosting plans are also quite cheap and affordable.
  3. It is up-to-date with the latest technology and even uses NVMe.
  4. It is also a sister of namecheap.com, an older and well known web hosting company. So I’m assuming that they know what they are doing.
  5. They have a 30 days free trial. I think it’s the first company that offer something like that.
  6. They are well rated on Trustpilot. They have 4.4/5 stars with 869 reviews. Everything seem to be fine so far.
  7. I contacted their customer support via emails a few times, and it was quite normal. I don’t really have anything to say.


In conclusion, it seems that ibrave.io is going to close their service. They announced that they will shut down on 1st November 2024. I’m assuming they that failed to create a good and reliable solution, and they can’t keep doing it.

If you’re an iBrave user, it would be best to find an alternative and move all your stuff.

As for myself, I will give spaceship.com a try. If you wish to do so as well, you can join HERE.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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