iBrave.io Review for Web Hosting

Hey, what’s up?

Today, I wanted to talk and share my experience with ibrave.io for web hosting.

If you’re currently considering ibrave.io or if you’re looking for a web hosting provider, then this could be for you.

Before we start, I want to say that this is not sponsored in any way. I’m not paid to make this post, nor was I asked to do it. I simply do because web hosting is an important thing for me and I wanted to.

That being said, if you’re going to signup with ibrave.io, you could consider using my affiliate link. That would personally support me for no extra cost for you. You can find it HERE.

Let’s go right in!


iBrave.io is a web hosting provider that also offer cloud-based plans. It is based in the US. It’s perfect if you wish to host a website, blogs, databases, email accounts, etc.


In the last years, I’ve been using Bluehost for my web hosting needs. Over time, I think Bluehost has become bloated and overpriced. I wanted to find something simpler, cheaper and possibly lifetime to eliminate my web hosting subscription forever.

While doing my research, I found brave.io on stacksocial.com which promotes new and smaller companies and products. You can find the product page HERE.

In January 2024, I purchased the unlimited websites lifetime deal on stacksocial, and I’ve been using iBrave.io since then. As of today, we are in June, and it’s been around 5 months.


As of right now, I currently own 3 websites that I created and host on ibrave.io.

  • thefrankring.com, which is my personal website where I share my own journey and thoughts.
  • livredecook.com, which is an online cookbook for myself and my family. Unless you can understand french, I don’t recommend it.
  • fraxoweb.com, which is a website for my company. For now, it’s very simple, and I might need to take the time to make it better, but I don’t feel like it’s necessary for now.

I technically have access to unlimited websites. We’ll see in the future if I need to create more websites.



As of right now, iBrave supports more than 80 popular web apps that you can start using right away with 1-click installations.

In my case, I mostly care about WordPress to create websites.

But if you’re looking for something more specific, you might want to look into the supported apps and softwares to see if it’s supported.


One of the most attractive thing about iBrave is that they promote unlimited plans. The only thing that changes is the number of websites allowed depending on your plan. Other than that, everything is unlimited:

  • Subdomains
  • Bandwidth
  • SSD Storage
  • Databases
  • Email Addresses
  • SSL Certificates
  • and more

I simply love the fact that there are absolutely no limitations. You can do want you want!


Another attractive thing about iBrave is their lifetime access deals. As someone that have been using WordPress for many years, I think having a lifetime deal to be very interesting because I usually try to avoid subscription as much as possible.

In the last years, I’ve been subscribed to Bluehost for web hosting. Over time, I think they became more and more overpriced.

That being said, since this is a lifetime access, we can’t be sure that iBrave will be alive on the longer term. If you’re going to use iBrave, I’d still recommend that you do backups of your websites. Just in case they fail to deliver over time.

Since this is a lifetime deal, you also have to be okay paying a higher upfront fee.


iBrave also seems up-to-date with the technology and seems quite performant. It says all their servers are using SSD storage and optimized for speed and security.

As of right now, the latest technology for storage is Non-Volative Memory Express (NVMe) but it is still pretty expensive, and I think SSD is very good.



If you’re used to using chat and fast responses from customer service, iBrave might not be exactly for you.

Now, you still have customer service, but from my experience, it is much slower.

Instead of having live chat, you actually need to open tickets with your questions and the customer service will answer them. It can take a few hours to a few days for every reply. So you have to be patient.

In my case, I’m already quite familiar with web hosting so it’s not a big deal for me, and I’m the company is still quite new, so I’m assuming that it will get better with time as the company evolve and grow.


I find the website a bit confusing. On one side, all the service and account management is done on ibrave.io.

On another side, all the technical stuff and control panel is done on cp.ibrave.io.

As of right now, the differences aren’t very clear, I found it quite difficult, especially in the beginning. You kinda have to know it.

And both of these platforms use the same username, but they are actually different accounts and passwords (unless you use the same password).

Overall, I find these platforms a bit confusing, but I think they already know the issue and are working on it.


So far, I only cared about WordPress for web hosting. But I am slowly getting interested with Nextcloud for my cloud storage needs because I’m currently trying to stay away from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive.

Now, Nextcloud is much more complicated than a normal website because of the cloud features, but technically it is also a web app. It is not yet included in the list of supported apps.

I also asked them the question about Nextcloud, and they said that cloud storage and backups is against their terms of service. It is intended only for websites files.

I would love to find a web hosting provider that can do both WordPress and Nextcloud in one place.

As of right now, if I want to use Nextcloud from a provider, I would need to find another hosting provider that supports Nextcloud. I’m currently looking at librecloud.host.

Or maybe iBrave will eventually support it in the future.


Now, this isn’t new or bad in any way, and I don’t hold that against iBrave.io. So far, we always had to purchase domains separately from the web hosting.

I still kinda count this is a con because even though I might never pay for web hosting again in my life, I still have to consider purchasing my domains.

From a customer perspective, domain registration is still an expense that I have to think about. I think it would be great if it would be included with the web hosting package. Especially, they promote unlimited everything. Maybe that’s going to happen one day, who know?


Not only domains aren’t included in the lifetime deal, but they also don’t include privacy by default. If you want privacy for your domain registration, you have to pay an extra fee as an add-on.

Personally, I like having privacy when I purchase a domain because if I don’t, my personal information become easily accessible to anybody that knows how these things work.

Since I value privacy, I prefer to use spaceship.com for my domain registrations because they are cheaper than iBrave.io and also private by default.


In conclusion, iBrave.io is a newer web hosting company that promotes good, unlimited and lifetime deals for your online needs. Except maybe for the domain registrations. I’ve been using for around 5 months now and had a decent experience with it and I will keep using it for now.

The only thing that worries me is if iBrave will survive on the long term. Because of that, I do backups of my websites once in a while in case the company closes one day without warning.

I am also looking for a Nextcloud hosting provider. I understand that it is still new and more expensive to host. I hope iBrave will be able to support it one day. I wouldn’t mind paying another one-time payment. If not, I will probably find another provider like librecloud.host.

So that’s pretty much it, I hope this was helpful to you. If this blog was valuable to you, you could consider following me on social media and if you have any thoughts or comments, you can leave them below.

I hope this helps, peace!


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