Tag: spaceship
Spaceship Review for Web Hosting
I’ve been trying the 1-month free trial with Spaceship. I figured that I’d make a review about it explaining my pros and cons, and why I’m going to keep using it for now.
How to Create a Custom Business Email with Spaceship
Today, I wanted to share how you can create and use your own custom business email address. I’m using Spaceship, but the steps are usually quite similar for any provider. There are many reasons why you want might to create your own custom business email address.
My Current Nextcloud Setup with Spaceship & Softaculous
Today, I wanted to talk about the current NextCloud setup that I built for myself. I want to talk about it because in the last days and weeks, many things have happened and I changed many things. If you’ve been following me, you probably saw that I tried Librecloud.host for Nextcloud. I also changed my…
iBrave.io is Closing & I’m Moving to Spaceship
Today, I wanted to talk about the iBrave announcement for closure and why I’m switching to Spaceship.com for my web hosting provider. If you’re a iBrave.io user, or if you’ve been considering it or if you’re looking for a web hosting alternative, then this could be for you.